Website price list 2024
Thank You for your interest in allowing Box Office Computers CC the opportunity to design a website for yourself or your business. Herewith comprehensive information assisting you to make an informed decision.

Note: Ecommerce solutions can only be offered once a complete understanding of what your products on offer and customer payment options environment desired is understood.
Note: The pricing guide shows an accurate estimation, however only once understanding your website content and website layout, will we be in a position to offer a formal quotation meeting your expectations.
Website creation depends on informed decisions and a compromise from both parties as expectations may often be unrealistic. Often with financial concerns we are willing to adjust wherever necessary meeting any budget constraints.
A standard cost is not realistic as a website is unique to your need. Cost being a factor, a true cost can only be offered once we understand your need being content, presentation and audience.
Meeting your budget-Our Priority

We build e-Commerce websites for our clients using the latest technology. Our shopping cart accepts all major credit cards, Instant Electronic file transfer, Manual Bank transfers and Debit Cards allowing for various shipping options that integrates with
Web Hosting Providers we recommend
An Internet hosting service is a service that runs servers connected to the Internet, allowing organizations and individuals to serve content or host services connected to the Internet. A common kind of hosting is web hosting.
Box office assist and guide you in making the correct decision, avoiding design conflicts.

Website hosting services are basically the plot of internet land that your website storefront sits on. If you have a website, it needs to be on the web, and these hosting services are the landlords that put up your site and keep it running so your customers can access and see it when they type in your URL. There are different types of web hosting services that cater to the varying types of businesses