Computer & Laptop choices are limitless. With price being not the only consideration we are of the firm belief in supplying you with the correct solution, meeting not only your immediate need, but ensuring a longtime investment, by taking into consideration both the hardware and software demands ever present
Being a Dealer with major secure suppliers we are in the fortunate position of not being limited to a specific brand, but offer you a wide range of choice
- Reputable recognised major distributor dealerships
- Reputable – Proven Brands
- Personal or Business solutions
- Pre- configured before delivery
- Availability confirmed before ordering
- Supplier Warranty & Guarantees applied
We strive to understand, meet your budget constraint and offer a succesfull solution

Refurbished Laptops – An Alternative
Today, we need to be conservative with our money. If your money is tight you’ll want to squeeze every ounce of value you can out of the next computer you purchase. So, instead of buying a new one, why not consider a refurbished laptop.?
See – How to purchase a refurbished computer
Computers supplied with confidence